... And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. - Hebrews 11:6

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A Sick little Seth

Update on Sethey Poo - Dec, 6. 2007 seth turned 5 mths old. Yes - it's already been five months since that midnight ride to Cape Coral Hospital to meet our new son. I could hardly believe it. Seth continues to grow and do well. It's awesome to see him discover life on a daily basis. Truly, the gift of life is a miracle. Thank You Jesus for allowing me to experience motherhood.
Today, we had to take Seth to the doctor, he had been having a rough cough / cold symptons since last week and it's been progressively getting worse. It turned out that he has RSV - what is that you may ask - you can read all about it at: http://www.rsvprotection.com/what_is/what_is.aspx , pretty much in our language it is

"Baby Bronchitis" as his doctor called it. It is pretty serious and needs to be treated right away.
So after a busy morning with the doctor, a shot on his leg, aerosol breathing treatments, steamy baths & antiobiotics - this is what you have: - a tired out little five month old that wants to sleep his sickness away :(

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